If Christ were the head of every home, things could be so different. The "tiny house" movement which is televised speaks eloquently about simpler values and more relational time together. That is a step in the right direction, but "home is where the heart is" and without Christ, we are all like sheep who've gone astray, with everyone turning to his own way. Children may start out very trusting and dependent upon their parents, but soon find ways to venture to places outside their protection and may not know wolves or predators are there.
who designs
our homes and lifestyles ?
We all want our homes to be places of rest, refreshment, and love. A tiny house might help us eliminate the clutter, but how does love make a house a home? It is easy to build a house on wheels, but much harder to build on Christ, our solid rock. It is our hope that this website will offer you more than a smaller living space. We all need places where we feel loved and can grow together "in Christ".
May God help us to use our living spaces well and to find new ways to share his love together.
Household may seem like a strange word but its meaning is broader than family. Household is actually a biblical word which reflects a stewardship perspective throughout a lifetime. Getting one's own first living space is a big thing. Census data shares household models which include families, blended families, shared housing, group homes, boarding houses, and single room occupancy. Three of the pictures above have children, Two do not.