God Sent His Beloved Son
John's gospel begins with Jesus. "In the beginning was the Word." This reference to the Word recalls the opening chapter of the book of Genesis, where God creates the world by the power of speech. The Word, who is God the Son, or logos in Greek, is God's power to create and order life.
Jesus Shared These Truths
Jesus began public ministry at age 30, spent time in prayer each day seeking His Father's will. This was necessary due to his coming to earth and being separated by what he surrendered to do so. He was born and led by the Holy Spirit in all his activities and contacts with men. He spoke of doing the works of his Father in heaven (John 4:34) and said, "I always do those things that please the Father" John 8:29. We believe that in looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, we see the glory of our heavenly Father. Jesus answered Philip, "if you have seen me, you have seen the Father", John 14:9. Through Jesus eyes, his touch, his words, and his deeds, we come to know and believe the Father and the Holy Spirit. It was good that his earthly brother James, followed his example of prayer and love for his heavenly Father. May we, like Jesus, live in sweet communion with the Father .
Jesus taught the truths of the gospel which is God's plan of redemption through his beloved Son. Jesus took on flesh (virgin birth), lived a sinless life, died a cruel death on a cross, and God rose him from among the dead on the third day, just as he said. His life, his substitutionary death, and his resurrection invite us to place our faith in him as our Savior and know one day he will bring us to God. Jesus said, "All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out" John 6:37.