In Luke's gospel, Jesus shares 3 related parables, The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Prodigal Son. These were an answer to the Pharisees and scribes who objected to his receiving and eating with sinners. Each parable speaks of the joy in finding
what is lost whether it be a sheep, a coin, or a wayward son.
what is lost whether it be a sheep, a coin, or a wayward son.
Jesus said the prodigal son returned home to his father, after he reviewed his behavior, and recognized he was perishing. He was ready to serve his father as a hired hand, but his father was merciful, forgave him, and honored him.
The elder son, lives as a hired hand and looks for his pay. He stayed with his father
day in, day out , but was a stranger to his father's heart. He is preoccupied with his
father's wealth and what he is entitled to. This puts him at odds with his brother and makes him jealous of his father's love when his humbled brother returns.
both sons
live their lives
but miss
the father's LOVE
Have the pleasures
and friendships of this world
robbed you?
Have you measured your worth
in comparisons with others
and felt cheated?
Have you missed your
heavenly Father's love ?