This website deals with the awkwardness of asking for help or directions when the way forward is not clear. I didn't know growing up in the '50's and '60's that I had dyslexia (17-20 % of U.S.). This disability made following directions and learning very difficult. I was judged to be lazy in my elementary grades and struggled for years to read and to understand what I read. I felt stupid, ashamed, and at times, utterly lost.
Things began to change when I joined Boy Scouts and was appointed troop scribe. I don't know how the scoutmaster knew this would help me, but it did in ways that school didn't. Taking meeting minutes led me to appreciate the details and activities of the meetings and reading them back as a record was such a delight. I felt like I had a part in the troop's progress. Troop 27 became a place where I learned many new skills such as first aid. That was a big part of second and first class requirements, as well as a merit badge. This led later to nursing as an employment in the late 70's. God used scouting and relationships there to help me make sense of life.
So many children face learning disabilities today. It takes years of learning to adjust and develop approaches that work. Parents are generally supportive but may also struggle with similar handicaps and burnout. Having their children targeted as slow learners, as being unable to read or grasp concepts, or being misunderstood by classmates is very hard to deal with in a positive manner. Supportive environments are absolutely
Churches vary in their ability to understand and to meet needs. But their members, especially those with similar issues, can be such a resource. Some churches have even started Christian schools, such as the one my wife served for twenty years. She prayerfully helped as a teacher to provide "special education" for all her students, even those with little known issues. Several children and their parents found help through her observations and communications. I had a similar experiences as a hospital nurse and in working with people with disabilities as a job coach, a community facilitator, and and a senior day program support aide.
It is good when churches have organized support for home schoolers or who offer classical approaches to education helping individuals to "discover excellent instruction offered in a warm, collegiate, Christ-centered learning environment by skilled teachers who love their subjects." The heart of Christ's farewell words were, "Go and teach all nations all things whatsoever I have commanded you." It is amazing when we see God's design in math, the sciences, engineering, literature, astronomy, philosophy, biblical literacy, and music.
Jesus has pity and compassion on those who are struggling with learning and life. There is healing in his words and in the stories which are found in the bible. He sent help to me through others who love him. I am so thankful for the God who is there and for others who love him.
We spend much time looking for answers for ourself, for our loved ones, and sometimes end up with false hopes. But Christ would encourage us not to stop asking, seeking, or knocking. We all need direction, purpose, and help in our lives. Jesus would say, "come and see". John. 4:29-30. He has much to offer.
where to find help
1. Gather where Christ's gospel is
preached from the bible.
2. Read the bible asking God's
Spirit to show you Jesus,
the way,
the truth, and the life.
3. Pray daily. Speak to God
as your Creator and
desire to know him as
your heavenly Father.
4. Prayerfully open your mind
to loving God and to
following his heavenly orders.
5. Worship with other followers
who believe God is
sovereign, holy,
and transcendent.
6. Use the Lord's Prayer and A.C.T.S.
(Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving,
and Supplication), as model prayers,
and align your prayer with God's will
by using bible verses in your prayers.
7. Join your family, godly friends,
and prayer partners in sharing
and in applying God's truth.
8. Christ-centered Learning in Community
9. Managing Dyslexia
"All that which the Father giveth me shall come unto me;
and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
John 6:37
We hope you will find links and resources here that lead to Jesus rather than to a particular denomination. Jesus invites us to see for ourselves where and how he lived, what he taught, and the life he promised. May God's grace, mercy, and peace be with you, your families, and in your churches.