David followed
God from his youth,
and understood his relationship with
God based on the teachings in
the five books of Moses.
He thanked God
for his physical birth,
for his daily care,
(Ps. 23)
"The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want"
and he gave God praise.
Are you
"fearfully & wonderfully
made" ?
Will you
"dwell in the house
of the LORD forever"?
Is that just for David
to say?
"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully
and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together
in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be."
Psalm 139:13-16 NIV
David, God's child, His shepherd,
and writer of Psalm 23.
Why is it that
no two people have the
same dna or fingerprints ?
*Man is Made by god,
*man is
made in God's image,
* Not an evolved species descended from apes
* Not explained by things we see
*Higher than all animals
* and blessed
with a body, soul, and spirit
* Not explained by things we see
*Higher than all animals
* and blessed
with a body, soul, and spirit
is BY our triune gOD,
engineered or discovered
by science
* Life is not as simple as sperm meets egg.
* Having children is not just reproductive choice.
* Even what we call mistakes in genetics,
and birth imperfections have
a place, like the man born blind.
God is at the center of when
and what is conceived. And his
blessed Son was virgin born,
in the fullness of time.
"God made everything, and you can no more understand
what he does than you understand how new life
begins in the womb of a pregnant woman."
Ecclesiastes 11:5 GNT